General structure and content of the teacher training (200h YTTC)
General content and structure of the training
The training takes place during 24 Saturdays (from 8h30 to 18h), supplemented with interim assignments and self-practice.
Guided Self-Practice
During the training days you will experience the effects of practicing dynamic Hatha Yoga under the guidance of certified and very experienced yoga teachers. Experiencing and practicing Hatha Yoga yourself is central to our training. By repetition and disciplined practice, it is possible to dive deeper on different levels. Not only will you experience the harmonizing impact of this practice physically, also both mind and soul will undergo a balancing impact.
In-depth workshops
In addition to the guided self-practice, there are 2 daily in-depth workshops that focus on either teaching methodology, yoga philosophy, yoga anatomy or business essentials. The largest chunk of the workshops focus on teaching methodology in which asana, pranayama, mudra and bandhas are discussed in detail. During the workshops, we explain the different techniques, after which we practice and refine them together.
A typical workshop deals with the correct execution and learning of asanas. We learn about the alignment of the different poses, look at how we can instruct these to each other (and our future students) using verbal and hands-on adjustments, and go over which alterations are possible for people with disabilities. In particular, we study how physical blockages (in knees, hips,…) or physical variations (due to differences in anatomy or physiology) that make the alignment of the posture difficult for the student, should be tackled, keeping the goal of the postures in mind without compromising the integrity of the student.
Our teaching methodology and class structure are discussed in detail. You will be provided with all the tools to build a lesson logically and step by step with the necessary attention for different levels and variations in postures.
Multidisciplinary approach with focus on yoga philosophy
There are many paths in yoga: Raja, Hatha, Jnana, Karma, Bhakti, Mantra, Nada Yoga are some of them. During the training, these different paths are discussed and practiced in varying degrees of intensity. We practice Nada yoga (yoga of vibration and sound) and mantra chanting at the beginning of each training day. The degree of difficulty of the mantras increases gradually.
he chanting practice is followed by meditation and a so-called satsang. Sat (truth) and –sang (like-minded people/students/teachers) is a form of teaching in which the different branches of yoga are discussed in a group setting. The different philosophical yoga principles and an introduction to the vedas (yogic scriptures) are explained and placed in a present-day context for further discussion.
Active participation during the satsang often leads to animated and in-depth conversations that reveal the deeper meaning of the different yoga principles for each participant.
Meditation and Yoga Nidra
A typical daily schedule during a training weekend:
08:30 Meditation – Nada Yoga (Bhakti Yoga)
9:30 Hatha Yoga
11:00 Break
11:30 Workshop Yoga Philosophy / Anatomy
13:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Workshop Teaching Methodology
15:30 Hatha yoga practices / Student Class
17:00 Final Discussion and Homework assignments
18:00 End
The following topics are on the agenda:
- introduce, practice and teach a dynamic hatha yoga class that includes:
- Asana
- Pranayama (Yogic breath, kapalabhati, nadi shodana, mudra’s and bandha’s)
- Relaxation
- understand and deepen the logical structure of a dynamic hatha yoga class
- learn the principles of our teaching methodology and yoga anatomy
- introduce variations in yoga postures taking into account anatomical variations
- Nada Yoga – introduction and practice of mantras and chanting
- Raja Yoga – introduction in yoga philosophy
- the principles of concentration and meditation techniques by practicing, among other things tatrak, Yoga Nidra and guided meditation